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Karen Kirts

National Board-Certified Reflexologist


National Affiliations: American Reflexology Certification Board,

Reflexology Association of America

State Affiliations: Reflexology Association of Ohio

Education: B.S., Ohio State University; Baltimore School of Reflexology


Karen Kirts is a national board-certified reflexologist and Kundalini Reiki Master who delivers a relaxing hour of healthful benefits to help you enjoy life more fully. Although she individualizes every appointment to meet each client's needs, a typical session begins with her reflexing your ears, which often assists your body in attaining balance; your hands are next in line for her soothing attention; and finally she culminates your sessions with in-depth work on the reflexes of your feet.  On the back of her business card is her short poem: "Thanks for being in my chair (or table). Plan to lose your aches and cares. You can talk or you can snooze...Just relax!  This time's for YOU!" 

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